Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hello everyone… it’s time for some more random thoughts. Things that cross my mind about everything. Let’s start off with my favorite topic… relationships. I was thinking back to a while ago when I asked this woman out on a date. I’d known this woman nearly several years… we weren’t that close but I knew plenty about her, we had talked occasionally but everything was focused more on work related things. So finally the day came, I was feeling good, I was ready to ask her out and proceeded to. Ten seconds later I didn’t get the response I was looking for and something came over me. Something that was totally out of character. Something that I never said before. I said, “not your type huh… well apparently your type doesn’t like you because you’ve been single for several years and haven’t been able to maintain a relationship past 2 weeks.” Whew!!! I was wrong for that… but why did it feel good at the time? I should’ve just left it alone… walked away.

You see, it’s human nature to be attracted to certain things, certain types. I lost track of that at the time. My only issue is contradictions. I don’t know about you… but I hear this so many times, “I want someone who is honest, communicator, ambitious, spiritual” and so on. Then I see them with the very attractive person without the other attributes and the relationship is over in months if not weeks. So why are you lying to other people and even more important, “yourself”? Let’s say if you truly believed this person was everything that you wanted… did you really take the time to get to know them? I don’t know about you but I prefer to speak to someone on the phone for a while before deciding to take it further by going out. I want to make sure you’re actually worth going out with. You gotta be able to converse, I want to see where your head is just as you should see where mine is.

What’s funny is research has shown the top 3 reasons people get together believe it or not is physical attractiveness, financial stability and sexual prowess. You notice I didn’t mention all of those things that really matter. Most folks will say all of the other things and not the 3 that I mentioned. What’s wrong with saying, “I want someone fine, has money and is good in bed”? lol You know there better be something else there if the looks fade and money becomes tight. Who wouldn’t want someone that’s financially stable but if that becomes the dominant reason why you want someone then good luck. I wish you the best with that one. One things for sure, money does not equate to happiness. I still believe nothing is more powerful then genuine love. When someone loves you simply for you no matter what you have or don’t have… they know their life wouldn’t be fulfilled without you in it. The foundation has to be love before anything else and of course love means spiritual as well with God.

Let’s get back to the “type” thing. Question: what happens in the unfortunate circumstance your type is coming along? Years and years have gone by and nothing has happened. I’ve heard many say… well if I don’t get what I want I’ll just be single and happy for the rest of my life”. Is that possible, really? It just seems like an easy thing to say now but 5 years later are you really feeling the same way. Alright… enough of that, let’s move on.

So how do you handle dating? How do you date? What does dating mean to you? I’ll say this and feel free to disagree if you please which many of you may. I don’t think there is anything wrong in getting to know more then one person at a time. I’ll draw the line if intimacy becomes involved and by intimacy I mean kissing. If you begin kissing one of the potentials then the other should know and decide how to proceed. If you’re kissing on both then you’re just wrong and it’s really unfair to the potentials. Have you ever chased after someone who has feelings for someone else? I don’t know… that doesn’t seem too productive. What about when someone has feelings for someone else but still wants to spend time with you. What’s up with that? Is it wrong to want to spend time with someone who really wants to spend time with you and not because you may be an option? It’s funny because when you flip the situation around that person would be upset if they want to spend time with you and your mind is on someone else. It’s crazy… again that honesty thing comes into play. More people need to be honest with what they really want… they need to be honest with themselves. I’ll admit… I’ve misread some situations in the past and more recent.

Relationships need to be taken more seriously. Hearts are involved for crying out loud. Like I’ve said before… we put so much time and energy when looking for a new car, home, business opportunities… we examine, dig deep, research before making decisions. Well why can’t the same be done for relationships? Is it that we want it fast and now? Why wouldn’t you want to take your time… especially since people can affect you physically, mentally and emotionally for years to come? Why play games with your well being, your livelihood, your sense of self, your heart?

Why is it that we get so caught up in everything that surrounds the person and not pay attention to who the person really is? Such as character… character is big, very big. Character is the catalyst for many things in the relationship. How about honesty? If he or she isn’t honest about simple things, who’s to say they won’t be honest about the bigger things? Integrity and ambition… how about communication skills? I don’t care if the person has everything in the world… if these basic skills are absent, your happiness is in serious jeopardy.

Anyway… I’ve rambled on long enough. There’s much more in my thoughts. Just kind of tired of typing at this point. Everyone have a wonderful day.

Mr. Producer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well Mr. Producer, again excellent message. GOD Fearing, Communicator, Honesty, Integrity, Spiritual, LOVE, Sexual Fulfillments, and Passion, all are the attributes that anyone with just a simple common sense would want and desire. For crying out "Loud" they're so many Good Men/Women out here. We all tend to want what we want, is this selfish? Well your Heart says one thing and then we got the want what we want. Well what happens when you don't get what you want and you He/She just dangling in the door posts? Is this right? Do you make it right? Or just eventually let it go? Life is too short. LOVE is so powerful, this is GOD'S best of His treasures. I LOVE to LOVE, because I know it pleases GOD. No man or woman can strip that away. Bare with me, I'm trying to touch on a few things with this note, while it’s fresh. Two people of like minds, and souls I believe truly that this is the work of GOD, but when things don't happen in real time the way perhaps that man or woman would like. Do you just give up? I would like some feedback on these said questions if you don't mind. You seem to be pretty knowledgeable. When you find someone you’re equally yoke with and find that they are unable to satisfy a part of you life that is intricate do you just LEAVE, and try to find the next best thing. When the best “thing” is right there? I realize that maybe that particular thing is not best for you. (Or Someone being the “Thing“). GOD LOVES Unconditionally, and this is truly how he made us. We just tend to do otherwise, live otherwise, and treat each other otherwise. Will you find all that your looking for in one Woman/Man? Or do you just keep throwing your rod back out into the sea. (P.S. just for thought there’s no end to the sea). Have a great day and I do enjoy reading, and commenting on your Real Life: Sex, Love, and Relationships. (SMILE).